I keep forgetting to add another blog, but I'm finally back to add some very exciting news! We have a new addition to our family - no not a baby (yet) - a YORKIE!!! His name is Mr. Darcy. He is so fun! I finally got a dog that likes me! He follows me everywhere and doesn't like to be picked up by anyone but me. I know it's selfish, but Ginger (our female boxer) was supposed to be mine - she attached herself to Sam, so I brought home Mader who loves everyone! So I brought home Dexter who attached himself to Savanah, so then I brought home Button - who attached herself to Sam!! When I brought home Mr. Darcy I told Sam she couldn't hold him for a month! She still holds him from time to time though, but he still likes me!!!! I never thought I'd say this, but he sleeps on my pillow every night!
Ammon and Caianna have been going to school at Grandma Conover's house every Tues. - Fri. from Noon to 3:00, they really enjoy it. Katelynn even comes for about the first 15 minutes.
Sam, Heather & Savanah have taken on the project of painting the front of the house - it's really looking nice, I wish I'd taken a before pic so I could post before and after pics. Oh, well...hindsite!
Samantha gave a GREAT talk in YM tonight, she had everyone laughing, I'll try to add it to the blog tomorrow.
I guess that's all for now, lots of exciting things going on, but I'm ready for bed (along with the rest of the family!)
The pics I added are of Darcy with Spencer (his dad), and Darcy with his littermate to the right of him.