Thursday, May 22, 2008

Just couldn't resist adding this pic!

Can you believe what Pippin will put
up with for a little attention - is that
a smile I see under all that hair?

The dogs don't seem to appreciate getting their
pictures taken, but the kids are just little suckers
for that camera! Too cute!

This has been a great day - for DON! He loves the rain, but it doesn't help me load my furniture and misc. items to take to donate at the DI. I was also going to haul a load to the dump! Sam wanted to go anyway, but I don't consider sliding down the muddy hills at the dump a good time!
The girls (Sam, Heather & Savanah) went to get their braces adjusted this morning, so now their moaning about only being able to eat applesauce, yogurt, or anything that doesn't have to be chewed, poor babies. I think they would know real pain if they had to pay the BILL!
Savanah came home excited because she and Heather have been in a "race" to see who gets their braces off soonest. Heather was pretty confident since she's 18 mos. older. But she still has one slow-poke tooth that hasn't dropped yet and the Dr. told Savanah that the next time she comes in they will take x-rays, do some minor adjustments and the visit after that (probably September) she will have them off! Poor Heather turns 16 in September and was hoping to get them off before she started dating, but she's adorable anyway and I doubt it will stop the boys from asking her on a few dates, maybe it will slow them down from trying to kiss her... maybe I'll tell the Dr. to just keep them on till their, oh, say...25!
Today I spent some time posting ads for studding Darcy (my cute little Yorkie) and Mader (my cute, not so little Boxer). It's time consuming, but hopefully with good results!
Now I'm off to take a shower and probably get struck by lightening - I never did look good with a perm!

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