Saturday, December 22, 2007

Wow! The movie was great! Apparently it didn't get very good reviews, but I loved it! After the movie I dropped my mom off to get her Jeep, then I picked up Sam and Heather to drop off dinner to a family in our ward (mom was down trying to prevent a miscarriage), then we dropped some gifts off to a couple of Sam's friends. Then I came home and Don and I went on a date. What a day!!

Today, I'm doing laundry, Christmas shopping and whatever else needs to be done before Christmas!

Do you ever feel like Christmas is just to crazy to be spiritual? We finally got our huge, old tree up, the lights look good, but half the ornaments are gone, etc.

Thinking about all these things made me think of a "list" of my own - a top 10 list of Irritating Holiday Issues.

10. Cold feet - literally!

9. Doing 10 loads of laundry because everyone thought someone else was going to do it for the last 2 weeks.

8. Last minute shopping because I finally realized it's really not still July!

7. Rude People (they're just mad because they procrastinated too!)

6. High phone bills (wouldn't it be great if Nextel had Cricket rates combined with their own coverage?).

5. Feeding my children ANYTHING while their wearing white shirts!

4. Battery operated irritating toys that last forever while fun battery operated toys last about 10 minutes!

3. Having a small stomach, and seeing way too much good food!

2. Christmas tree needles all over my carpet - from my artificial tree!

1. Just about done with a project on the laptop when it shuts down on me and I lose all the work!

Okay, now back to my usual cheerful Christmas attitude!

Nothin' like a good vent- ranks up there with chocolate!

Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

Sherri said...

Fawn you are so funny! And I must agree with all of them especially the laundry and except the too small stomach. Ilove and miss you!